What is Managed WordPress Hosting?
Managed WordPress hosting is an increasingly popular type of shared hosting plan specifically designed for WordPress websites. Unlike a traditional shared hosting plan, Managed WordPress offers a variety of advantageous features that are hard to ignore.
Advantages of Managed WordPress Hosting
Better performance.
It’s no secret that WordPress websites can run awfully slow on traditional shared hosting plans. However, with Managed WordPress hosting web servers are optimized for WordPress. That means the server will be configured to give the best performance via server-level caching and run the best version of PHP, MySQL and Apache.
Greater Security.
Many Managed WordPress hosting plans utilize enhanced security protocols, malware scans run daily and the ability to mitigate a variety of cyber threats. Of course, no hosting plan is impervious to hackers, but at least you’ll be taking a step in the right direction when it comes to protecting your WordPress website.
Managed Services.
One of the nicest features of a Managed WordPress hosting plan is that many provide daily automated backups AND one click restore functionality that enables you to quickly and easily restore your data and files of your WordPress website should the need arise.
Who Offers Managed WordPress Hosting?
Many larger hosting providers offer Managed WordPress hosting plans including GoDaddy, WP Engine and Siteground among others.
We prefer GoDaddy, because in our humble experience, they offer good performance, security, support and pricing.
Should You Get A Managed WordPress Hosting Plan?
If you would prefer to spend more time creating valuable content for your WordPress website and less time administering security updates, backups and the like, you may want to consider making the switch to Managed WordPress.
If you’d like help in deciding if Managed WordPress is right for you and/or you need a WordPress website, contact our talented web design team today.