Traditional Way to Change Admin Email Address in WordPress
The traditional way to change or update your WP Admin email address of your WordPress website is to go to “Settings”; then scroll down a little bit until you see “Administration Email Address”. To the right of this, you will see a “field” or “box” where the current Admin email address resides (under this you will see “This address is used for admin purposes. If you change this, we will send you an email at your new address to confirm it. The new address will not become active until confirmed.”).
Now, simply replace the current email address with your updated email address of choice, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the button “Save Changes”. Upon doing so, you will now see a notification under the email address field that reads “There is a pending change of the admin email to your-new-email-address. Cancel”.
Drawback of the Traditional Way to Change Admin Email Address in WordPress
Please bear in mind that you must receive the change notification from WordPress at your new email address of choice, click on the link within the email from WordPress to confirm the email address change, at which point you will be redirected back to the “General” settings page of your WordPress dashboard where you must “Save Changes”, in order to complete the processing of this change.
The problem is that sometimes, you may not receive the confirmation email from WordPress and this can be so FRUSTRATING!
If you’d like to avoid the email confirmation process altogether, you can simply install a plugin.
Change Admin Email By John Dee
This wonderful FREE plugin enables you to change the WordPress Administrative email address without the need to receive and click a link in a confirmation email. Hooray!!!
Simply install and activate the plugin, Change Admin Email By John Dee, and then go to “Settings”( General Settings) again in your WP dashboard, update the Administration Email Address field with your new email address, “Save Changes” and Voila!