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How to Disable Gutenberg

On December 6, 2018, WordPress 5.0 was released and with it, Gutenberg, its new core block editor.

So What’s the Big Deal about Gutenberg?

Over the years, WordPress’ native editor has not changed much. Apparently, the folks at WordPress (aka the WordPress core development team) decided it was time to introduce a vastly different core block editor with the goal of making it easier and more intuitive to add rich content to WordPress.

Unfortunately, this inclusion of Gutenberg, has been buggy and overrides popular 3rd party visual editor plugins. If you find that after updating the WordPress 5.0 (and now, 5.2), that suddenly you can no longer access your favorite visual editing plugin, fear not.

Can I Disable Gutenberg?

Yes, you most certainly can!

How do I Disable Gutenberg?

By installing and activating one of any number of freely available plugins.

Classic Editor

Classic Editor is among the most popular WordPress plugins that lets you return to using WordPress’ classic pre-Gutenberg editor. In so doing, you should now be able to resume using your 3rd party visual editor. Best of all, it’s the official plugin developed by the WordPress team.

Disable Gutenberg

Created by Jeff Starr, this handy plugin does what the name says, it disables Gutenberg and restores use of the WordPress classic editor. With this plugin installed and activated, you should be able to resume using your favorite 3rd party visual editor plugin.

No Gutenberg – Disable Gutenberg Block Editor

Created by Fernando Tellado, this nifty free plugin also enables you to easily disable the Gutenberg block editor with just a few clicks of the mouse.

If you’d like to learn more about how to disable Gutenberg from your WordPress website, contact our talented team of WordPress web designers in Scottsdale at Prominent Web Design.

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