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How to Pick a Good Domain Name

A popular question asked by clients who are starting a small business is how do they pick a “good” domain name for their website. Selecting a domain name involves some of the same careful thought used when selecting a name for the business itself.  You’d like to come up with a name that is memorable and in some way represents what your business offers.  However, there are a few more considerations to keep in mind when selecting a domain name that can impact its effectiveness.

Use Relevant Keywords in your Domain Name

When possible, try to include targeted keywords in your domain name to enhance SEO (Search Engine Optimization. You may also want to include the name of the city in which you do business if you only do business locally only. For example, ScottsdalePlumbers.com

Keep your Domain Name as Short as Possible

Longer domain names may frustrate visitors resulting from misspellings or typos.

Make your Domain Name Memorable

Having a domain name that is easy to remember or “catchy” can go a long way in helping people remember it.

Make Sure your Domain Name is Easy to Type

Domain names that use unusual or hard-to-spell words (rendezvous, connoisseur), slang or words (pies4u vs. piesforyou) with alternate spellings (grill vs. grille) can be confusing and leave your visitors frustrated.

Use .Com Domain Extension

Due to its popularity, it’s recommended that you use .com domain name extension rather than .info, .net., .me, etc.

Don’t use Dashes or Numbers in your Domain Name

Dashes (hyphens) or numbers can make remembering and typing your domain name more confusing.

If you would like more information about how to pick a good domain name for your business website, please contact our web design company in Scottsdale.

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