A splash page is an entry page to a website that is typically used as an intermediary web page between the visitor and the home page. Typically, a splash page will have little page copy and a link to the main website.
What is a Splash Page Used For?
Splash pages are created to direct a visitor’s attention to a specific call-to-action; notify visitors of an important message such as a warning regarding a type of content within the website about to be entered; present a disclaimer; or promote a special offer.
Here is an example of a splash page:
How Does a Splash Page Differ from a Squeeze or Landing Page?
A splash page is different from a squeeze or landing page in that it typically won’t have a lead capture form asking for information such a visitor’s name, email address, phone number, etc.
Benefits of a Splash Page
Splash pages can require from (or provide to) the visitor, essential information, such as age verification, before allowing entry to the main site. One such example from the Budweiser website.
Drawbacks of a Splash Page
Many people simply don’t like splash pages, in fact some are so turned off that they will simply leave the Splash page without entering the main website.
Additionally, there is the SEO aspect to consider: splash pages are generally not the best way to rank in the search engines, because they have little content and are not necessarily focused on keyword targeting.
Should You use a Splash Page?
Generally, the recommendation would be no for most businesses. However, depending on your need (think of the Budweiser example), it could be a good idea.
If you have any questions about whether you should use a Splash page, call 480-306-4260 to reach our team of Scottsdale website designers.