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What is a URL and Why is it Important? Comments Off on What is a URL and Why is it Important?

Woman Uses URL to access internet

The other day, a client asked me to define the term, URL. As it pertains to the internet, URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and it is the digital address that specifies the location of a resource, such as a website, on the internet. Thus, a URL is what enables internet users to access websites, files and other types of resources online. It often helps to think of a URL as the digital equivalent of a postal address. In this way, just as a postal address guides mail to the correct location, a URL directs internet traffic to a designated web page or file.

Components of a URL

A typical URL consists of several parts, each serving a specific function.


Scheme represents the protocol used to access the resource. Common URL schemes include “http://” and “https://”, with the “s” in “https” denoting a secure connection (SSL).

World Wide Web


A host is the domain name where the resource is located. For example, in the URL https://prominentweb.com, “prominentweb.com” is the host.


A port number can be specified to indicate the network port used by the server. The default port for HTTP is 80 while for HTTPS, it is 443. If a custom port is used, it will appear after the host, separated by a colon (e.g., prominentweb.com:8080).


The “path” specifies the particular location of a resource within the host. For example, in the URL https://prominentweb.com/blog/2024/, “/blog/2024/” is the path that points to a specific directory or file.

Query String

A query string begins with a question mark (?) and includes parameters that can be used to pass data to the server. For example, in the URL https://prominentweb.com/search?q=URL, the query string is q=URL, which may be used to indicate a search term.


A fragment starts with a hash symbol or pound sign(#) and specifies a section within the resource. For instance, https://prominentweb.com/about#section1 directs the website visitors to “section1” of the about page. This is referred to as a jump link.

Visiting a Website Using a Web Browser

How URLs Work

When someone enters a URL in their web browser or clicks on a hyperlink, the browser initiates a request to the server hosting the resource identified by the URL. The server processes the request, retrieves the corresponding resource, and sends it back to the browser for display. This entire process occurs almost instantaneously, allowing users to access vast amounts of information and services with ease.

The Significance of URLs

Obviously, URLs play a pivotal role in the functionality of the internet. Here are a few reasons why understanding URLs is important:


URLs are fundamental to browsing the web. They allow users to easily navigate between pages and access specific resources.

Linking and Sharing

URLs facilitate linking between different web pages, making it simple for users to share content across various platforms.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A well-structured URL can enhance search engine visibility. Clear, descriptive URLs can help search engines understand the content of a page, contributing to better ranking in search results.

Internet Web Connectivity


The use of HTTPS in a URL indicates that the connection is encrypted, enhancing security for users. This is particularly important for websites that handle sensitive information, such as online banking or shopping.

User Experience

Intuitive and user-friendly URLs can improve the overall user experience for website visitors. A readable URL can convey information about the content before the user even clicks on it.

So, a URL is more than just a web address. It is a vital element of the internet’s infrastructure that enables us to access information, communicate and conduct business online. Understanding its components and functionality can enhance our web experience, making us more informed and effective digital navigators.

If you would like to learn more about URLs, contact our professional team of web designers at Prominent Web Design today!

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