Most website owners do not have any web coding experience. As such, it is really not hard to understand why the average website owner would like a simple and relatively inexpensive way to manage their own website. Enter WordPress.
WordPress is an open source website content management/publishing software that has been around since 2003. According to some estimates, approximately 25% of all websites are powered by WordPress.
Here are just a few reasons why WordPress is so Popular.
1. WordPress is Open Source.
Open source means that WordPress is made freely available and can be redistributed and modified without charge. In other words, there are no costs associated with downloading, installing and updating WordPress itself. Of course, you would still need to pay for web hosting and domain registration using a provider of your choice.
2. WordPress is Easy to Set Up.
Initially, all you need to set up WordPress is a web hosting account. If you get any cPanel or Managed WordPress hosting plan, you can install WordPress with literally just a few clicks of your mouse.
3. WordPress is Easy to Use.
Once you have WordPress installed, a default “theme” is activated as part of the installation. A WordPress Theme is a collection of files that work together resulting in a unifying website design. WordPress lets you easily manage its functionality and change the look of your website’s design through theme changes. You simply deactivate one theme and activate another.
4. WordPress Plugins.
A plugin is essentially an individual piece of software that can be easily implemented to extend the functionality/features of your WordPress website. For example, say you want to be able to add a notification bar that states you have “free shipping” and you want the notification to be fixed along the top edge of your WordPress website pages. You can simply search for a plugin that does exactly that (for example, Easy Heads Up Bar) and then install and activate the plugin. One of the most popular types of WordPress plugins used is an image slider, such as Slider Revolution.
5. WordPress Themes.
Custom WordPress themes make it possible to quickly and easily implement a seemingly endless variety of web designs for your WordPress website. Many “custom” themes enable you to easily change and publish content (text, images, video), color, font characteristics, etc. without knowing a single line of code.