Believe it or not, some small business owners have said just that.
Here are a few reasons why a small business owner might NOT need a website:
1. Have way too many clients
2. Have no desire to make more money
3. All business comes from word of mouth referrals
4. Just won the lottery
5. Recently inherited a fortune
If none of the above applies to your situation as a small business owner, please read on.
First, Some Web Marketing Statistics That Might Surprise You
It’s 2017 and reports indicate that approximately 75% of people in the U.S. have a smartphone…that equates to a whopping 250+ million smartphones! Now consider that almost 80% of adults in the U.S. own a desktop or laptop computer while nearly 50% own a tablet and that there are 3.5 BILLION Google searches each day, with 50% of all online searches coming from mobile devices. This means that there are a lot of people on the internet looking for goods and services they want or need.
So, Why Does a Small Business Need a Website?
For starters, how about to generate new leads? If you want to grow as a business, you’ll need to an ongoing flow of new customers to generate additional revenue.
What if you’re a medical practice and would like patients to be able to download, print and fill out medical forms to bring into your office?
What if you’re hiring and can benefit from prospective employees completing an online application and/or uploading a resume?
What if you’re an AC repair company and you’d like people to schedule an appointment online?
A business website can accomplish all of these tasks and more, 24/7.
A Website Can Be the Most Effective Small Business Marketing Tool, Why Not Use it?
If you would like to learn more about the importance of having a website in your web marketing small business plan, please contact our talented team of Scottsdale Arizona web designers at 480-306-4260 or complete and submit our Web Design Contact form on this page.