A Scottsdale Web Design Company

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How Long Does it Take to Build a Website? Comments Off on How Long Does it Take to Build a Website?

How Long Does it Take to Build a Website?

The short answer…it depends.  There are a number of  factors that can influence the turnaround time of a completed web design project. Those factors include:

Web Design Project Requirements

Many web design projects are pretty straightforward in terms of their functionality requirements from the client. In these cases, not withstanding any other factors, a typical build time for us would be 5-6 weeks (we’ve even built some custom websites in less than 3 weeks). However, many web design companies quote build times that can typically be anywhere from 12-16 weeks.

Client Participation

The custom web design process requires participation from the client.  That means creating and providing unique or original content, prompt feedback on work completed and answering any questions the web designer may have.

If the client takes 3 weeks to provide feedback on the initial design, they are delaying the web design process by 3 weeks.  If it takes the client 1 week to provide the content (text, images, etc.) necessary to build out the design, then the process is delayed by 1 week.

We’ve had clients who have been surprised by the time commitment involved with building their new custom website.

The Web Design Company You End up Hiring

And finally, the custom website design process depends on who you end up hiring.  There are some web design companies or individual web designers who will drag their feet making the process go on for months on end.

To mitigate this possibility, we always recommend verifying references.

If you would like to learn more about the length of time it takes to build a custom website, contact our Scottsdale Web Design Company today.


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