As a small business owner and entrepreneur, have you ever wondered what pages you should include in your company website?
In web design, there are a number of web pages we consider requisite for any business owner when looking to build a credible and relevant website for visitors who are your customers and prospective customers. It is also a good idea to have a variety of web pages and blog posts for SEO purposes.
Below is our list of the most important and popular web pages a business website should have:
Your website homepage is arguably the most important page of your website. Why? That’s because the homepage is a website’s entry point for most visitor traffic. And it is after all, called the “home” page for a reason. From a web development standpoint it is the default or start-up page of your website.
Ideally, your homepage should establish a consistent layout and placement for your logo, navigation, phone number and footer that gets carried through all other pages.
The content within your homepage should contain engaging calls-to-action for your products or services as well as convey relevance and credibility.
A homepage also typically has a hero slider which is an animated presentation of a series of large images (hero images) that can be accompanied by corresponding “captions” (important information).
About Page
Some visitors would like to know more about the company with whom they may end up doing business. An about page usually describes in more detail, the people behind the company and the company history.
Product or Services Page(s)
Whether you offer a variety of products or services, it’s imperative that your website provides detailed information about them. If you have a number of different products or services, you may even want to create separate web pages for these. Not only is this beneficial for the web visitor, but a good idea from a search engine optimization perspective. For example, let’s say that you are a dentist, you’d want to set up pages for each type of dental treatment you offer….i.e. teeth whitening, dental veneers, fillings, root canals, etc. You could of course put all of these distinctly different services on a single web page, but it’s better SEO to give each of them their own web pages.
Blog Page
A blog is important for a few reasons. First, it enables the business owner to create “fresh” keyword rich content on an ongoing basis which is good SEO. That’s because Google likes fresh content and in so doing, may help to create a more “authoritative” website that ranks better than its competitors who don’t regularly update their websites with newly published blog posts. Second, a blog enables you to make important announcements about your company as well as share your industry expertise and engage with your potential customers.
Contact Page
Most websites today still have a Contact page and that’s in part because most visitors expect it. It can also provide a place to present various contact options for sales, technical support, billing and other locations, addresses (i.e. mailing, showroom, etc.).