If you actively manage a WordPress website, then you are undoubtedly familiar with its Media Library. However, for those who …

If you actively manage a WordPress website, then you are undoubtedly familiar with its Media Library. However, for those who …
As I have mentioned in previous articles, WordPress is undoubtedly the most popular web publishing platform, with almost a billion …
The other day, a client asked me what CSS is. I was a little surprised, as most clients are not …
At Prominent Web Design, we know that first impressions matter when it comes to websites. What do I mean? Simply …
Just the other day, a client asked us to explain what Google Blacklist was, and if it was something they …
At Prominent Web Design, we are always looking for ways to improve the websites we deliver to clients. As the …
A friend of mine, who is not in the tech industry, recently asked me what an IP address is. So, …
The other day, a client asked me to define the term, URL. As it pertains to the internet, URL stands …
Every now and then, I will hear clients use the term “webmaster”. But, what exactly is a webmaster and is …
The World Wide Web is ever changing, thus understanding which types of devices visitors are using to browse your website …